Posts Tagged ‘What’
What Is the Real Reason Alcoholics Anonymous Condemns the Use of Personal Willpower?
Question by abnjim5: What is the real reason Alcoholics Anonymous condemns the use of Personal Willpower?
In consistance with my continuing inspection of AA doctrine, I am convinced that these cultists use the “willpower” issue to indoctrinate desperate drug addicts (alcohol is a drug) into their midst. Interestingly, AAers believe that the use of willpower can only lead them to another drink of alcohol, relapse, and a life of addiction. To further their recruit strategy of the unsuspecting “newcomer”, they tell him that he is in “denial” if they disagree with this concept.
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of AAers in this US society and the world. Afterall, we need people of this mentality to keep the Bush’s in office and the 30 million of them vote Republican! But wait, perhaps human willpower can be used for the good and stop the warring or is that not possible without a “higher power”.
Question by Malcom Revvoy: What TYPE OF PERSON AM I?
I think it started as an obsession but I don’t know. In my early life like when I was 7, I was subject to rape and violence in the media because when I was young, I showed an intense interest horror films and horror shows. During my early school year, I had a tough time obeying the rights of others and I would often show sexual behavior towards women, and weird and erotic behavior around my friends. In my 5th grade class, I got suspended from school for a week because me and an other friend just kept laughing, at nothing. She first said we were suspended for 3 days but then we just kept laughing and we eventually were suspended for the full week and had to go to this dilenquint correctional facility for special people because they thought there was something mentally wrong with us. In high school I was quiet, didn’t say a word to any of the students except just a few, it wasn’t because I was really shy, it was because I just didn’t care much for them. Everyone acted to prestigious and too mature and I didn’t like that in people. I like hanging around with kids that had a dark side and were into violent behavior. in sophomore year of high school I was home schooled and then that’s when everything started to break loose. I couldn’t maintain school. I stayed in my room most of the time CRAZY bored and not knowing what to do. My parents were always gone so I could always do and watch whatever I wanted to which was typically violent and sexual shows and everything grew from there. Then I started to have an INTENSE obsession with trying to become a manipulative apathetic genius, otherwise, a psychopath. I think I had an inner psycho strand in me and I because of my sensitive cut out appearance, I started getting away with lies and started manipulating people into my doing. Then I started getting on yahoo answers, desiring something to keep my stimulative attitude going by asking “Am I a psychopath” just to try and spark fear in someone into saying “yes you are, get help” I wasn’t going to get help, I was only going to try and get better. I’m seriously like a drugged freak who cannot stay away from the thing he is addicted to and that addiction is a mental illness. But before all this, I think I did have a mental illness because whatever I am addicted to, I can’t break away from it which point me more toward to being an alcoholic or something of that sort. But I am anti-social, normally I’m occupied when I stay by myself and when I’m around people, I don’t relate to them because they act so different from me. I can’t fit everything I’m like in a few paragraphs but if I kept going about everything I did it would be about 40 paragraphs. But based on my obsessive nature, and erotic and weird behavior I am typically unable to control. What would I have? Please don’t say I’m normal, I need to know from a SMART psychologist what I might have to help get me under control?
What Is Alcoholism Addiction: Residents Oppose Oak Manor Treatment Facility for Prescription Drug, Alcohol …
What Is Alcoholism Addiction in the News
What Is Alcoholism Addiction: Residents oppose Oak Manor treatment facility for prescription drug, alcohol …
The center's residents, Reynolds said, will be professionals from the Kingwood area as well as around the city and state who are battling an addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs – not street drugs such as cocaine, meth or heroin. …
Read more on Your Houston News
What Is Alcoholism Addiction: Clark: More resources needed to fight substance abuse
The Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery (MOAR) estimates that alcoholism and other drug dependencies affect over 400000 men and women in Massachusetts. We are all too familiar with their heartbreaking stories and the tremendous toll that …
Read more on Boston Globe
Alcoholic Recovery Symptoms: How We Cope: What Addiction and Recovery Rates After 9/11 Tell Us
Alcoholic Recovery Symptoms in the News
Alcoholic Recovery Symptoms: How We Cope: What Addiction and Recovery Rates After 9/11 Tell Us
The researchers also found that symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were more common in those who increased their use of alcohol and other drugs, suggesting that those behaviors may have been in part an attempt to …
Read more on TIME
Alcoholic Recovery Symptoms: Probable PTSD Among Sept. 11 Firefighters Still Surpasses 7%
Other factors associated with persistence or onset of PTSD symptoms were subsequent decreases in exercise, increases in alcohol intake, and concurrent symptoms of respiratory or gastroesophageal illness. The findings come from the longest follow-up to …
Read more on Internal Medicine News Digital Network
Find More Alcoholic Recovery Symptoms Information…
Alcohol Abuse: What Kind of Drinker Are You? – Chicago Tribune
Alcohol Abuse: What kind of drinker are you? – Chicago Tribune
![]() Mother Nature Network |
What kind of drinker are you?
Chicago Tribune The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) definition is often used. For men, it's having more than four drinks in a single day or more than 14 in a week, and for women, it's having more than three drinks in a single day or more … Study Links Drinking Pattern to Alcohol's Effect on Heart Health Study: Two alcoholic drinks a day beneficial |
Alcohol Abuse – Google News
Alcohol Abuse: Increased substance abuse must be tackled head-on – The New Age Online
Increased substance abuse must be tackled head-on
The New Age Online Drug and alcohol abuse is escalating internationally – with recent evidence showing that substance abuse is on the rise outside of the western industrialised world, and not only among marginalised groups. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 2011 … POINT/COUNTER POINT: It isn't about punishment |
At What Point Would You Say Someone Is an Alcoholic?
Question by New Moon Daughter: At what point would you say someone is an alcoholic?
and not just a heavy drinker?
Like when is it at the point–in your opinion– that you say “hey, this person has a problem, and they need an intervention?”
Best answer:
Answer by Taken by a Texan
I’d say when they absolutely need to drink. If they can’t go a day without drinking, or when they do drink they get absolutely wasted. People who can’t find a “happy medium” with drinking are probably the ones who end up being alcoholics.
Give your answer to this question below!
Alcoholic Intervention: A&E's Intervention – Jeff
It just happens due to the complexities of how people react to life's circumstances. For people like “Jeff,” A&E's Intervention attempts to examine once again what happened to him. Jeff is a severe alcoholic who drinks 30 cans of beer per day. …