Support Groups for Alcoholics: Is It Appropriate to Attend an AA/NA Group When…?

Question by : Is it appropriate to attend an AA/NA group when…?
a person has never been addicted?

I am a counselor and i work with addicted youth. They go meetings every night – and my coworker wanted me to go to an AA meeting. I personally didnt want to go into the meeting, and when i was sitting in the meeting i felt incredibily uncomfortable…like “i was not allowed to be in there because i am not an alcoholic” (that was my thinking). The chair guy called on me, and I had NO IDEA of what to say! like everyone was expecting me to say “Im J and Im an alcoholic” but im not…never have.

Same thing with NA. I have never been addicted to drugs/alcohol. So…is it appropriate for me to attend these meetings – and if i am, and i do decide to sit in…how do i respond to people who call upon me to speak?

Pics of Alcohol Abuse: Review: Old 97's Are Still Rocking in Middle Age

Pics Of Alcohol Abuse in the News

Review: Old 97's are still rocking in middle age
Filed under: pics of alcohol abuse

Miller sings about oceans of alcohol, mountains of weed, the ups and downs of pill-popping and the charms of the road, such as motels with free ice. But he has … be deleted. Commenters who abuse these policies will have their e-mail registrations …


One woman shares struggle with eating disorder
Filed under: pics of alcohol abuse

Related Photos. « Eating disorder Buy Now. » Kelly Yantzer, facing, of Bismarck, is thanked by a high school student after sharing her story about her difficult journey dealing with an eating disorder and drug and alcohol abuse in high school and …


Families elated at legal-highs ban
Filed under: pics of alcohol abuse

Good Luck Smarts

Good Luck Smarts
Filed under: Alcoholism

The moment you tell your 13 year old daughter to live and love better than you do in life, then you know life is hurting you. Filed under: addiction, alcoholism, Bipolar Disorder, Health, life, Mental Health, Moody Monday


Black People Don’t Commit Suicide
Filed under: Alcoholism

One episode of the informative and engaging web series Black Folk Don’t challenges the myth that Black Folk Don’t suffer depression and commit suicide. I must say that I got a little turnt while watching Black Folk Don’t episode on suicide because the content was so empowering. The episode speaks to


April 29, 2014 – The Eye Opener
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcohol Awareness Shouldn't End With April, Abilene Doctor Says

Alcohol awareness shouldn't end with April, Abilene doctor says
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

The CDC has listed alcohol as a factor in one-third of U.S. traffic fatalities, the demographics of which may come as a surprise.


Bangalore sees rise in substance abuse among women
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Increasing substance abuse – alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes and opioids – that used to be a common phenomenon among men, is surprisingly seeing an upward trend among women in .


More Alcohol Abuse Information…

Signs of an Alcohol Problem: Have My Rights Been Violated?

Question by : Have my rights been violated?
I am a single mother of two and work for a retail jewelry chain in CA where I was accused of a drinking problem. I was not intoxicated, nor did I have alcohol on the premises, nor was I asked to leave work. I was told I have to speak to a psychologist and sign papers stating I could be fired if I did not finish the necessary steps to fix this “problem”. The psychologist stated, in a signed letter, that I do not have an alcohol problem. He did say that I am going through a lot of stress and it would be helpful if I talked to someone to relieve this stress. My sales numbers have been within the top three sales persons since I was hired. This morning when I went to clock in my manager notified me that I am suspended until further notice for not completing the steps to fix this problem. Isn’t this illegal to make me see a psychologist for an unrelated issue, as well as fraud since I kept my end of the signed papers?
Just got off the phone with the ACLU as well as the CA Labor Board, both of which recommended I seek legal council immediately. After talking with both agencies they both agree I have a case. Thanks for absolutely nothing.

How to Help a Alcoholic: Stoner WITH “Alcoholic”?

Question by : Stoner WITH “Alcoholic”?
Hello Yahoo, I just have a simple question…I was wondering what the people of the Internet think of couples/relationships where one person prefers smoking weed and the other would rather consume 3 or more alcoholic beverages per night.. Do you believe a relationship between a stoner and an “alcoholic” would work? (When I say “alcoholic” I don’t mean a full blown addict, just someone who would rather drink than smoke weed). So, The most simple way to ask this is; Do you (the people of the internet) believe a heavy drinker and a pot smoker could have a serious relationship? Keep in mind that the pot smoker has no problem with drinking and the drinker has no issue with smoking weed…

Thank you very much