The Cure for Alcoholism: Drink Your Way Sober Without Willpower, Abstinence or Discomfort

The Cure for Alcoholism: Drink Your Way Sober Without Willpower, Abstinence or Discomfort

The Cure for Alcoholism delivers exactly what millions of alcoholics and families of alcoholics have been hoping for: a painless, dignified and medically proven cure for their addiction. Backed by more than 70 clinical trials and research that extends back to 1964, the Sinclair Method deploys an opiate-blocking medication in a very specific way—in combination with ongoing drinking—to extinguish the addictive “software” in the brain. The de-addiction process literally rolls back the addic

List Price: $ 14.95

Price: $ 14.95


In Intervention: How To Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help, Dr. Vernon Johnson describes the process that has successfully motivated thousands of chemically dependent people to accept help. In simple terms, this book shows how chemical dependency affects those around the addicted person, and teaches concerned people how to help and how to do it right.

List Price: $ 11.99

Price: $ 11.99

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