Alcoholics Behavior: Is Susan Smith a Victim of Christian Hypocrisy and the Barbaric State of Mental Health Care in This Country?

Question by raygunaut: is susan smith a victim of christian hypocrisy and the barbaric state of mental health care in this country?
No doubt of her guilt but there were many exigent circumstances that while ignored in her case have helped other women in similar circumstances…rape by a trusted family member( christian pillar of community of a stepfather?)and cries for help that were ignored or downplayed…
what is the true state of mental health care in this country and why is the need for it soo stigmatized that people cannot seek help for fear of social repercussions

Best answer:

Underage Drinking on College Campuses

Underage Drinking on College Campuses

This is a video a group and I made for a class, in which we show the consequences and reality of drinking on college campuses.


My Life: Student plays tackle thorny social issues
Filed under: alcohol abuse in college

The program's mission is to use drama as a tool for positive social change. The teenage actors perform in schools and other places in the community, addressing issues such as bullying, prejudice, depression, suicide prevention, and drug and alcohol …


Call for clearer advice on drinking alcohol during pregnancy
Filed under: alcohol abuse in college

But Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists president Professor Michael Permezel said it already had a statement on alcohol and pregnancy. It states that while there was good evidence that drinking excessive …


Alcoholism: A Daily Beast Columnist Said Fat People Only Have Themselves to Blame (Here’s Why She’s Wrong)

A Daily Beast Columnist Said Fat People Only Have Themselves To Blame (Here’s Why She’s Wrong)
Filed under: Alcoholism

A few days ago, The Daily Beast published a piece by columnist Emma Woolf titled ‘If You’re Fat You’ve Only Got Yourself to Blame’. In it, Woolf laments what she calls “blame culture,” the apparently widespread problem of fat people blaming the “food police” for their weight. She points out that she


How can I help my problem drinker quit drinking?
Filed under: Alcoholism

If you have asked yourself this question, you are not alone. Read about Al-Anon, a place for loved ones of alcoholic and addicted persons to find strength, hope and fellowship. There is no magic formula that enables you to help someone stop—or cut back—on his or her drinking. Alcoholism is a complex


Alcohol Abuse: Boomers Face a Higher Risk of Alcohol Abuse – Huffington Post

Boomers Face A Higher Risk Of Alcohol Abuse – Huffington Post
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Boomers Face A Higher Risk Of Alcohol Abuse
Huffington Post
You're at 14 a week, “so you've doubled what [the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism] is suggesting is low-risk drinking. That's pretty significant.” (Assess your own risk level by taking the quiz at the NIAAA's Rethinking Drinking
Parents Key in Preventing Underage DrinkingThe Roundup
Alcoholism not exclusive to menBlair Enterprise Publishing

all 10 news articles »



Letter: Prevent alcohol abuse by youth – The State Journal-Register
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Letter: Prevent alcohol abuse by youth
The State Journal-Register
This month reminds us that alcohol use by teens is prevalent and directly linked to traffic fatalities, alcohol overdose and other problem behaviors. Treatment providers, doctors, counseling professionals, court services professionals and community
April is Alcohol Awareness
Health and safety tips for Alcohol Awareness
Jackson: April is Alcohol Awareness MonthAhwatukee Foothills News
The Daily News Online
all 6 news articles »

Alcoholism Warning Signs: In Passover Phone Conversation, Eric Cantor Slams Obama

Alcoholism Warning Signs in the News

In Passover Phone Conversation, Eric Cantor Slams Obama
Filed under: alcoholism warning signs

If the ENLIST amendment is allowed a vote, it would easily pass, unless the Democrats counter with some maneuver of their own on a wider Dream Act. Florida Republican Mario Diaz-Balart is warning his colleagues that the GOP is missing an opportunity to …


The Best 'Scandal' Episode Yet
Filed under: alcoholism warning signs

“There are signs of a struggle,” says Foley. “The shower … His old man has won a Purple Heart during one of his three tours in Vietnam: he's a “USA all the way” kind of religious alcoholic who believes in the belt and is strict about his rules. He …


Related Alcoholism Warning Signs Information…

Observations of a Lifetime Marijuana Smoker

Facts About Alcohol Abuse in the News

Observations of a Lifetime Marijuana Smoker
Filed under: facts about alcohol abuse

If someone develops doping skills before coping skills, and become habituated to resorting to mood altering substances of any kind before their mind and body have properly developed, they can experience behavioral problems. Very young users can …


Woman denied holiday weekend furloughs at jail
Filed under: facts about alcohol abuse

Sauni also was ordered to serve three years of probation, during which she must get a substance abuse evaluation to determine if any treatment will be recommended. She also must avoid all use of alcohol or controlled substances as part of the court's …


Filed under: facts about alcohol abuse