Alcoholism: Ending a Life of Conflict and Shame :: Starting New Beginnings With a Gracious Heart

Ending a life of conflict and shame :: Starting new beginnings with a gracious heart
Filed under: Alcoholism

Here is to a Happy New 2014: An authentic, joyful and loving year living from vulnerability and gratitude! I am going to start with uncovering my shame, and it goes right back to the start of my time. I was born into conflict. Not war, but a white, upper-middle class family in an internal “civil” wa


Happy January – I actually made a decision
Filed under: Alcoholism

I made my decision! I’ve gotten tons of people asking me which job I decided to take, so I figured I’d do everyone a favor and just write it down all at once. I chose the 911 dispatcher job. Instead of writing a huge paragraph on the “why’s”, here is a handy dandy list… I get to stay in Nashville. M


2014: This is Our Time
Filed under: Alcoholism

How do I do this again? Let me dust off the cobwebs. Let’s get a vacuum cleaner and a maid in here. Can we please find the Swiffer I bought? Are there still twenty-six letters in the alphabet? How much have things changes since I last posted? Good Lord! It is the first day in 2014 and I realized tha


Listen and Unlearn
Filed under: Alcoholism

The following is the 7th chapter in AWARENESS: A de Mellow Spirituality Conference in His Own Words by Fr. Anthony de Mello, S.J. edited by J. Francis Stroud, S.J., Copyright © 1990 by the Center for Spiritual Exchange “Some of us get woken up by the harsh realities of life. We suffer so much that w


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