Diseases Caused by Alcohol Abuse: The Dangers and Ill-Effects of Anger and Bitterness II

Diseases Caused By Alcohol Abuse in the News

The Dangers and Ill-Effects of Anger and Bitterness II
Filed under: diseases caused by alcohol abuse

A violent fit of anger or sudden outburst of anger causes the adrenals glands to flood the body with the excess adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisone or stress hormones which may give rise to some of the short-term health problems associated with anger …


New drug Regtect could help alcoholics quit!
Filed under: diseases caused by alcohol abuse

Susumu Higuchi, director of the National Hospital Kurihama Alcoholism Center, hopes that the new drug will help Japanese drinkers quit alcohol. Alcohol dependence is a mental disease that can cause serious health problems, including liver, pancreas and …


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