Q&A: When Does the Probability of Drug and Alcohol Usage Decrease?

Question by FNB: When does the probability of drug and alcohol usage decrease?
I have a 17 year old that has tried cigarettes a couple times and pot once. We have a very open relationship and talk all the time about everything and always have. She goes to school and has good grades, works and spends time with family. She is a pretty happy kid and I am very proud of her. There are no signs of drug or alcohol usage but I am curious at what age does the likelihood for a young adult to “use” decrease?
Thanks for your input, I definitely am not naive and understand completely that I am not in the “know” about everything. Thank you for the reminder I, like every parent wants to believe their kid. :-)

Best answer:

Answer by fuhq_this
Kids are all about opportunity, not age. Upbringing will have an affect, but her peers will have a greater influence. You know your daughter better than anyone of us here on the internet, so you have the best chance of making the right determination of when she’s no longer in danger of becoming a user, or an alcoholic. Just don’t be fooled that she is being 100% open with you. In this regard, your close relationship with her will be what clouds your judgment, and kids are aware of this because they see it in their friends parents every day. As the parent it is your job to take advantage of the fact that your kid(s) think that they are smarter, and more savvy than you are and find out just what they are up to.

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