Alcoholic Physical Symptoms and Alcoholism Disease
Alcoholic Physical Symptoms And Alcoholism Disease
The alcoholism is a very common disease found in every area of the world. About alcohol abuse the various physical symptoms should be understood. Alcoholism disease is defined as an excessive use of drug that leads to be addict. Alcohol consumption at a high level always interferes with the person’s health including mental as well as physical. It leads to produce negative impacts on family, loved ones and social responsibilities. Long-term heavy and strong drink puts a person to risks. Alcohol consumption destroys many sensitive body organs by developing dangerous health problems and illnesses. The view of certain conditions and alcoholism symptoms give indications about alcohol abuse and the various effects on the health of the person. Alcoholism physical symptoms and alcohol addiction conditions are listed below that leads to alcoholism disease:
Liver Inflammation is the major symptom produced. Alcoholism symptoms are liver inflammation include yellowing of the skin color, eyeballs and even urine color, high body temperature, abdominal and stomach pain. Liver cells are destroying and the liver will be unable to regenerate new liver cell. Cirrhosis of the liver can occurs due to high use of alcohol.
Malnutrition is due to loss of appetite. The symptoms will vary with the malnutrition-related disorder and symptoms include headache, dizziness, tiredness, weight loss and loss of immune system functions.
High Blood Pressure, the hypertension is another symptom produced. Alcoholism Symptoms include violent behavior, headache, blurred vision and nausea. Heart Association comity advises that excess alcohol use can increase the triglycerides level .Risk of heart attacks and strokes will be there.
Mary John is an alcohol addiction treatment counselor and therapist at a leading cure alcoholism and addiction treatment center. She has expertise in Stop drinking, quit alcohol and cure alcohol addiction subjects. She has written a number of articles and journals on how to stop drinking, alcoholic cure, alcohol abuse, alcoholism treatment, cures for alcoholism, natural cures for alcoholism etc.
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