No Orders Issued | Alcoholics Anonymous | Alcoholism | DonInLondon | Don Oddy |

No Orders Issued |Alcoholics Anonymous | DonInLondon | Don Oddy | September 22 2008 | Don Oddy | DonInLondon | Recovery Resource Videos | Alcoholics Anonymous | Addiction is often described as being unable to stop taking a substance or unable to stop a form of behaviour which is harmful. My experience strength and hope is shared here on these videos. I would suggest anyone anywhere with addictive behaviour to find professional medical support and helpful forms of support. The type of support we choose is a personal choice. For me, a combination of professional medical support and the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, helps me keep sober on a daily basis. Professional advice on medical matters is paramount in my opinion. I have found fellowship keeps me safe from relapse and has improved my outlook on living simply a day at a time. I do not speak as a professional or speak for anyone else but me. I have found my life improved emotionally, physically and spiritually by keeping safe and to suggestions from professionals and the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. I do not represent Alcoholics Anonymous, I share how fellowship helps me keep safe one day at a time. music: “music for airports” Brian Eno: my photo link: my other video: link email me: [email protected] Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholic Alcoholism Addict Addiction DonInLondon Don Oddy Recovery Rehab

December 24 2010 ~ Enjoy today as it may be… Life used to feel like an endurance attempt on a daily basis. I realise now of course that I can have a step six day, all about endurance, extremes of fear and brave facing. Or I can have a step seven day with fortitude: courage, faith and confidence. Humility makes me able to learn with love and tolerance of me and everyone today… These videos are about living sober and not made for profit or personal gain. Email me | [email protected] | Music | “music for airports” By Brian Eno | http Alcoholics Anonymous, Addiction And Recovery, Alcohol, Alcoholism, DonInLondon, Don Oddy, Recovery Life Works