Common Signs of Infertility

Common Signs Of Infertility

There are numbers of women who are facing some sort of infertility problems. There some women who are showing signs of infertility, and there are also some who don’t know that they are having a problem until they start trying to conceive and yet came up with negative results. With the many different types of infertility that men and women may be diagnosed of, the signs and symptoms may also range from women to women or can even affect the man in the relationship as well.  

If a couple had been trying for quite a period of time and yet there are no results, the woman should see their doctor right away. The word “trying” means having unprotected intercourse for a year or two with an average of three times a week. The couple should seek the help of their primary care physician or have themselves consulted to their regular OBGYN in order to be diagnosed with infertility problems. After which, they may then be referred to a specialist who have enough knowledge about their problem. Among the many possible signs of infertility, one of the most common is when a woman is having an irregular menstrual cycle. But having an irregular menstrual cycle can also point to a lot of things and it doesn’t really mean that the woman who have irregularity in period is already infertile. Weight problems like being too thin or obese can also be signs of infertility. Most women who are too thin found it difficult to conceive because they lack the proper nutrients needed. On the other hand, men and women who are obese may sometimes suffer from hormonal imbalance or problems which also affect the way their reproductive system works. Another factor that can affect the reproductive system is too much intake of illegal substances or alcohol. Although these are classified to be as causes rather than signs of infertility because they can make women become unable to conceive. Women who frequently use illegal substances or drink alcohol abusively are found to have fertility problems because these substances or alcohol can harm their body which then affects the way it works. And because abuse of illegal substances and alcohol can and may discourage the fetuses to grow or conceive properly, women who take this substances and alcohol are likely candidates for becoming infertile.  

Signs of infertility are not only seen in women but also in men as well. Some signs of men being infertile may be anatomic or physical problems. Men who are having testicles that are not descended may be infertile. The signs of infertility in men may sometimes be due to outside causes. Wearing tight underwear or jeans for example can lead to the inability of men to produce viable amount of sperm needed for conception. Another outside factor that can lead to the infertility of men would be their scrotum and gonads being exposed to heat.

Some infertility signs in men and women are the same. Both may have problems on producing an offspring if they have weight problems like obesity or due to substance abuse. While the women’s body can malfunction in a way that it may be impossible to be pregnant, men might also be affected because they may not have the capacity to produce the necessary amount of sperm for conception.  

The couple should make the move and take steps in order to make sure that they are having intercourse during the time that the woman is ovulating, rather than making conclusions that they have infertility problems if they have been trying and there are negative results. There are certain methods in order for women to see if they are ovulating such as keeping track of their basal body temperature or using an ovulation kit. Most often, it is just not the right time of the month that the couple is having unprotected intercourse.

Patricia A. Hayes is a health enthusiast who has failed to conceive after 2 years of trying with her husband due to infertility issues. After grueling months of looking for ways to have their first baby, Patricia finally got pregnant. She put up for the benefit of struggling mothers-to-be.

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