Q&A: Does Alcoholism Should Be a Crime?

Question by lpv: Does alcoholism should be a crime?
I’ve being married for 16 years and my husband drinking got worse. He drinks every night to the point that he doesn’t remember our conversation next day, lies about his drinking, hides the bottles that he is drinking, every conversation turns into a argument, bad influence for my son, I do not feel safe with him…etc. I tried everything to help him: assisted to AA meetings, read Alanon books, asked his family for help, went to the psychologist, prayed, asked people to pray for my relationship, talked to him, keep that house free of possible alcohol temptations, cried, beg him to stop, explained what his drinking is doing to our family, called the police asked to help me and do an drinking test…the police couldn’t help because drinking at home is not a crime, unless he is disturbing the community.
I’ve learned that smoking pot is a crime and they can show up at home and do something… but drinking is not a crime. And that is my point of my request, in reality SPOUSE THAT DRINK TOO MUCH AT HOME ARE DISTROYING THEIR FAMILY is like killing in a passive way.
I know if you are in this situation, you feel like me.
I want to bring this matter to the authorities for their support. “Alcoholic parent living with their children should be a persecuted as drug abuse do”
If you agree with me please respond with a “Yes”
There is more to this, besides drinking smoke pot, takes sleeping pills and other pain killer, sometimes he chews tobacco and all of the above in a day.

Best answer:

Answer by hockeyfan29
alchohol prohibiotion of 1900’s, you should look it up.

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