Whats With People Calling Me an Alcoholic?

Question by vancetw2002: Whats with people calling me an alcoholic?
So here I am, typing this at 9:53 AM, Drinking my first, and probably only Michelob Ultra ( Light Beer )
I am not a heavy drinker by any means, having at the most 1 or two a day, every couple of days. ( Maybe 4-5 a week ) But because I work Night shift, and get home a little after 7 AM, I drink my beer early in the morning. My wife always gives me a funny look and warns me: “you shouldn’t drink in the morning, you look like an alcoholic” And that just ticks me the hell off. To make it worse, we are staying with our inlaws for a little bit until I can claim a second job to get a nicer apartment, so her parents give me the same look. I dont see how this is fair, I work the evening shift, so their 9AM is like my 9PM, and I only have one or two at a time, scattered a few days apart generally. Am I in the wrong here? I dont feel like I NEED a beer ( my definition of an alcoholic ) but I certainly like one after a long night at work….

Best answer:

Answer by Weatherman
Ignore them

I got that when I first told people I often have a drink at 8am

But once I explained that this was only after a night shift, and was the same as them having a beer before bed, they started to understand that not everyone can live by the same body clock.

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