Do the Children of Strict Parents Turn Out Worse?

Question by wombat: Do the children of strict parents turn out worse?
I read in a book once that upper/middle class, white, Catholic girls are likely to abuse alcohol. I fit every one of these categories, I’m 16, and I do tend to “abuse” alcohol. I feel that the way my parents raised me has to do with this, I mean they are good parents but they are so strict and closeminded! I’ve never enjoyed church, I have always wanted to rebel against them. We don’t see eye to eye on anything. I think parents should just be a guiding hand, and that they should allow their children to make mistakes so that they can learn from them. But my parents want to keep me from making the mistakes in the first place (which I know is reasonable).
What do you think? Will their parenting be detrimental to me in the end? My therapist always says that I’ll probably make a lot more mistakes when I first go to college because I’ll finally be off the leash.

Best answer:

Answer by threenorns
the question is, do you have a mind of your own or don’t you?

why is it a rule that because your parents are strict, you have to make all kinds of decisions that you KNOW are bad?

what’s wrong with just going with the flow until you’re old enough to move out on your own and live your own life?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!