Stages of Alcoholism: Still Thirsty Three Days After a Night Out Drinking Alcohol?

Question by irishblueshirtnyc: Still thirsty three days after a night out drinking alcohol?
I’m a 29 year old male and have been drinking regularly since I was about 16. I’m a binge drinker so when I’m out I’ll knock back copious amounts of drinks, perhaps 11 or more each night I go out. I go out usually 2 nights a week and I’ve been doing this for years.

I tend to have about 10 cigs as well when I’m out, but don’t smoke otherwise. I usually switch drinks during the night, like I’ll have Vodka tonics, then beer, then shots like whiskey. I tend to drink from about 8 or so until 4 am when the bars close here.

For the past 10 months or so I’ve been thirsty several days after drinking. I realize drinking dehydrates but this seems a bit much. Just went out fairly hard on Wednesday night and didn’t drink water while I was out, but did drink a lot of smart water w/ electrolytes when I got home.

Haven’t been to a doctor in 2 years so figure I might want to go. Don’t have diabetes in the fam; could this be early stage? I’d prob have other symptoms. Anyhow, any tips, this normal?

Best answer:

Answer by Susan L
Drinking abusively is not normal. Binge drinking twice a week is not binge drinking – it’s drinking. Binge drinking is twice a year. You are probably doing much damage to your liver. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver – that’s why drunks get cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is an ugly way to die.

Go ahead and see a doctor if you want to, but you need to see your bartender a LOT less.

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short term effects of alcohol, stages of alcoholism.


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