Alcoholism: Looking for You – Repost

Looking for you – Repost
Filed under: Alcoholism

So, this is a public blog post hoping to find you, or some trace of you. I have no idea how much to say about what I have going on, and very little desire to expose myself to risks and labels, but really the only way to do this is just to trust a bit and hope that it doesn’t just all bite me on the


How to Make Mealtimes on Passover Much More Enjoyable
Filed under: Alcoholism

This day has turned out to be perfectly awful, capped off with my Internet deciding to go to Italy or something, so I’m posting this from my iPad, which means I’ll have to return later for tags and graphics. On top of that, it’s still Passover. I know that my ancestors did my unborn soul a solid by


What I’m reading (April)
Filed under: Alcoholism

Last month I had great plans to read a few books, but that plan fell through because of the amount of reading and homework I had with my class. So, this month I plan to at least read one book, for now. We’ll see how it goes and maybe, just maybe, I can sneak in one or two more books. Only time will


Filed under: Alcoholism

I remember as a child going to see my great grandmother, Nana. I never recall seeing Nana walking, but always sitting in a big chair in the living room. Possibly at that point she could not walk much, but I do not recall anyone mentioning anything about that, and she always seemed content. Nana love


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