Most Shocking Facts About Alcohol

Most Shocking Facts About Alcohol
Filed under: Alcoholism

It is common knowledge that alcoholism and alcohol abuse are problems that affect us in the United States. However, some recent studies, which quantify and measure alcohol abuse related statistics, are somewhat shocking. The website posted some surprising statistics relate


Books: Political history; the rich, slow joy of reading
Filed under: Alcoholism

An English Affair: Sex, Class and Power in the Age of Profumo by Richard Davenport-Hines, (HarperCollins, 2013) The Fun Stuff by James Wood (Jonathan Cape, 2013) Writers poets and philosophers, who have had a fair old lash at defining happiness down the millennia, have never quite come up with term


Alguns dos vícios mais comuns registrados em todo mundo.
Filed under: Alcoholism

(Listinha de vícios para voce conferir) Muitos de nós não sabemos que temos um vício, porque em geral se associa vício com álcool, drogas e nicotina. Mas os vícios são numerosos: Vícios em emoções Raiva Ódio Culpa Ciúmes Medo Inveja Vício em pensamentos Pensamentos obsessivos Perfeccionismo Pensamen


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