Alcohol Rehabilitation

Alcohol Rehabilitation
Filed under: Alcoholism

%img% For many people alcohol can be present in their life without causing any problems, but for others alcohol dependency can be a crippling and devastating illness. Alcohol is widely enjoyed with a meal, on a night out with friends, to wind down of an evening, or outside on a sunny day. It’s impor


Overview Of The Signs Of Alcohol Addiction
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is an epidemic problem that affects many millions of people throughout the world today. Whether they are simply discouraged about their life, their job, or their social situation, it motivates many people to drink in order to feel better. If this is done too often, it can lead to m


Alcool et grossesse
Filed under: Alcoholism

Flaudias, V. et de Chazeron, I. Chaque année en France, sur les 800 000 naissances enregistrées environ 8 000 enfants naissent avec des anomalies congénitales et/ou neuro-développementales causées par une exposition in utero à l’alcool (INPES, 2012), ce qui représente environ 1% des naissances. L’ex


Reading on: Diary of the Fall by Michel Laub
Filed under: Alcoholism

In his diary Kafka said he enjoyed reading books of letters and memoirs because they helped him find some distance from himself and become the author’s counterpart in their experiences and feelings. Nothing very unusual about that of course; it’s why many of us read. Except Kafka recognises the self


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