Alcoholism: Rain in My Heart: Recognizing the Realities of Alcoholism

Rain in My Heart: Recognizing the Realities of Alcoholism
Filed under: Alcoholism

Rain in My Heart by filmmaker Paul Watson documents the intimate struggles of four severe alcoholics seeking treatment at Medway Hospital. Two of the participants died during the filming. The first, Toni Bailey, gave an interview where she claims she was not an alcoholic. She said she’d soon be rele


Rising alcohol consumption causing ‘unbelievable harm’, claims NHS director
Filed under: Alcoholism

More needs to be done to tackle a “significant” rise in alcoholism and chronic liver disease in the UK, the director of alcohol and drugs at Public Health England has warned. Speaking at the Westminster Social Policy Forum on alcohol policy in London on Tuesday, Rosanna O’Connor, director of alcohol


Indian Marriage
Filed under: Alcoholism

Indian marriage, more specifically arranged marriage really is a terribly difficult topic for someone from the west to get their head around. It is still the preferred form of matrimony throughout most of India, so much so that non-arranged marriages are referred to as ‘love’ marriages and can form


A Purpose Beyond Ourselves
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholics Anonymous, what a ride! Early on I heard “I wouldn’t trade my worst day in AA for my best day when I was out there.” I was skeptical of these proclamations but the members sincerity could not be questioned as these people were just like me in that we all suffered from an illness, but they


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