Canadian Teens' Energy Drink Habit Linked to Depression, Substance Abuse

Teenagers And Alcohol Abuse in the News

Canadian teens' energy drink habit linked to depression, substance abuse
Filed under: teenagers and alcohol abuse

"The more intense users tend to be more likely to be depressed, they're more likely to have substance use," he said, referring to alcohol and marijuana. Sensation seeking — taking part in novel activities that provide excitement — also was higher …


New Teen Substance Abuse Helpline Provides Recovery Help for Young Addicts
Filed under: teenagers and alcohol abuse

A new helpline in Celina, OH was established to assist adolescent seeking drug and alcohol addiction help. LIGHTNING RELEASES (3/10/2014) – Living with substance abuse is unfortunately a way of life for many young adults in Celina, OH. Many teenagers …


New Substance Abuse Helpline in Andrews, TX Brings Hope to Addicts
Filed under: teenagers and alcohol abuse

LIGHTNING RELEASES (3/14/2014) – The daily nightmare of a drug and alcohol addiction is a way of life for many in Andrews, TX. A good portion of these addicts also happen to be teenagers. Unfortunately most teens do not know where to turn to for …


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