Casinos Would Solve Many of Alabama's Money Problems (Press-Register

Alcoholics Signs in the News

Casinos would solve many of Alabama's money problems (Press-Register
Filed under: alcoholics signs

It's typical that people like alcoholics and drug users say "it doesn't affect me, and it doesn't hurt anybody." And they say it all the time, that's the mantra they use, but it denies all the research that's been done on it. The people that promote it …


These bankers won't cure themselves
Filed under: alcoholics signs

As with Alcoholics Anonymous there is nothing likely to be proposed in terms of standards, training, ethics and processes which an individual bank could not work out and do on its own, if it had the willpower. But the fact that this body is being set …


First Concept Art of the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars: Episode VII?
Filed under: alcoholics signs

We have yet to discover any signs of an extraterrestrial civilization — a prospect that could quite literally change overnight. Should that happen, our sense of ourselves and our place in the cosmos would forever be shaken. It could even change the …


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