Death of Philip Seymour Hoffman a Reminder of Addiction Relapse

Alcoholic Relapse in the News

Death Of Philip Seymour Hoffman A Reminder Of Addiction Relapse
Filed under: alcoholic relapse

We talked to addiction professionals about drug relapse and what family and friends can do to help prevent it. Hoffman had been sober for more than 20 years. But that didn't mean the Oscar-winning actor was immune from a relapse with drugs and alcohol.


Four arrested in connection with heroin overdose death of Philip Seymour Hoffman
Filed under: alcoholic relapse

Largely regarded as “an actor's actor,” Hoffman had been straight and sober for more than 20 years, after going into rehab at age 22 for drug and alcohol addiction. Tragically, he suffered a major relapse in recent times, going back into rehab in May …


Could Drug-Replacement Therapy Have Saved Philip Seymour…
Filed under: alcoholic relapse

… ultimately, on heroin. From that moment of relapse on, one of the greatest actors of our generation was in mortal danger: Years of sobriety had reduced Hoffman's tolerance, but his brain craved the drug as much as ever—and he had given that brain …


"I Have No Sympathy."
Filed under: alcoholic relapse

Or is it that our societal discomfort with anything that falls outside of the puritanical norm– alcohol, drugs– renders us unable to see addicts as human beings deserving of empathy and understanding? Perhaps the most dangerous component of these …


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