Help for Addiction – Forgiveness1.wmv

Help for Addiction – Forgiveness1.wmv

Think you know what forgiveness is? Can you handle the truth? You don’t want to miss this! If you’d like to learn more about forgiveness and how to beat addi…


San Francisco Bay seals, part 2
Filed under: signs of a drinking problem

An investigation of about 47,000 people with drinking water contaminated by a DuPont plant in West Virginia linked PFOS to changes in liver function, pregnancy hypertension, hormonal effects in women and high cholesterol. Other studies have linked it …


How Industrial Chemical Regulation Failed West Virginia
Filed under: signs of a drinking problem

Does it cause developmental problems? No data. Most of the basic health effects that you'd want to know about, there's no data available listed on the MSDS for this material. On what citizens are doing in response. My family and I, we're not drinking …


Rising STD rates show safe sex not secure without a test
Filed under: signs of a drinking problem

Chlamydia is sometimes called the “silent epidemic” because while affecting internal organs, symptoms do not show in 70 to 80 percent of women affected, and 50 percent of men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Women are also …


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