Alcohol Abuse Facilities: Vermont State of the State Address 2014

Alcohol Abuse Facilities in the News

Vermont State of the State Address 2014
Filed under: alcohol abuse facilities

I am also proposing increased resources for our statewide recovery centers, and additional funding for substance abuse and mental health treatment services for Reach Up recipients. In total, this funding will represent more than $ 1 million of …


VA opts to follow 2011 proposal
Filed under: alcohol abuse facilities

That proposal would close the VA Medical Center in Hot Springs, place a new Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) in town, while moving the PTSD and Substance Abuse programs, commonly referred to as “The Dom,” to a site to be determined in …


Drug Treatment Courts: 20 Years of Uncounted Deaths
Filed under: alcohol abuse facilities

The continued stigmatization of those with drug and alcohol abuse have perpetuated a drug treatment court system that is hiding and destroying data that does not match the image of their marketing agents. Forgotten individuals that may have been killed …


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