Am I an Alcoholic Test: How Is It Possible for Anyone to Enjoy Air Travel Anymore?

Question by Amber B: How is it possible for anyone to enjoy air travel anymore?
Seriously, with all the extra fees, delays and cancellations in your flights, invasion of privacy in your personal belongings and upon your own person (security personnel taking way too many liberties in searching you for weapons, and basically feeling-you-up) and every little thing being scrutinized, why in the world do we even bother anymore?
I mean they are even charging for non-alcoholic drinks, and you can’t even take a water bottle with you, to re-hydrate while on the GODFORSAKEN plane. Then the planes sit waiting 8 hours on the runway while you are trapped like caged animals with no where to go. No other coorporation would be able to get away with this kind of crap, they would be out fo business by now.
I realize there are governement regulations since 9/11, but planes are no safer now then 7 years ago (studies have proven this) AND PLEASE DON’T ANSWER WITH THE SAME OLD EXCUSE ABOUT THE FREAKIN’ COST OF FUEL. I don’t see how that is any excuse for lack of FAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES!!!!!!!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Fitzer
it’s a hell of a lot better than driving in my opinion. so much faster

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Retracing the route of those who survived the Wounded Knee massacre
Filed under: am i an alcoholic test

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Filed under: am i an alcoholic test

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