Drug Raises Hope for Cure of Alcoholism – Indiatimes.com

Drug Raises Hope for Cure of Alcoholism – Indiatimes.com
Filed under: Alcoholism


Drug Raises Hope for Cure of Alcoholism
TOKYO: A new drug to treat alcoholism which went for sale in Japan earlier this year can improve the chances of addicts quitting drinking, doctors say. Drug Raises Hope for Cure of Alcoholism. Regtect helps by improving the chemical balance in the
Japan released new drug to treat alcoholismThe Tokyo Times
New drug raises hope for cure of alcoholismFree Press Journal
New drug Regtect could help alcoholics quit!India.Com Health
The Japan Daily Press
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Protein links liver cancer with obesity, alcoholism, and hepatitis – Iowa Now
Filed under: Alcoholism

Protein links liver cancer with obesity, alcoholism, and hepatitis
Iowa Now
Obesity, alcoholism, and chronic hepatitis all increase the risk of getting liver cancer, which is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Obesity in particular is driving a significant increase in liver cancer in the United States. These

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Every year old folks die from eating this cake, so Japan re-invented it… – The Tokyo Times
Filed under: Alcoholism

Every year old folks die from eating this cake, so Japan re-invented it…
The Tokyo Times
Susumu Higuchi is the director of the country's biggest alcoholism treatment facility, the National Hospital Kurihama Alcoholism Center. He hopes that the drug, which helps the chemical imbalance in a person's brain, will help alcoholics reduce their



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