Rock Doc: Old Drug Offers New Hope for Quitting Alcohol – Mon, 30 Dec 2013 PST

Rock Doc: Old drug offers new hope for quitting alcohol – Mon, 30 Dec 2013 PST
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholism runs in part of my family. I lost a grandfather to it, and a couple of others in the family have been affected by it to greater or lesser degrees. Perhaps something like that is true for you, or maybe you have a friend or co-worker who wrestles with the malady. This is a challenging time of year for alcoholics trying to stay sober. New Year’s Eve alone can be a real test.


ROCK DOC: Studies indicate epilepsy drugs shows promise for alcoholism
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholism runs in part of my family. I lost a grandfather to it, and a couple of others in the family have been affected by it to greater or lesser degrees.


New drug could help hard-drinkers quit alcohol in Japan
Filed under: Alcoholism

Tokyo, Dec 30 (ANI): A new drug to treat alcoholism has enhanced the chances of hard-drinking Japanese addicts quitting alcohol, it has been revealed.


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