Alcoholic Alcoholism: Alcohol Ad Ban Could Hurt SABC

Alcoholic Alcoholism in the News

Alcohol ad ban could hurt SABC
Filed under: alcoholic alcoholism

The Department of Communications was concerned about the potential loss of revenue that the SABC could suffer because of the mooted ban on alcohol advertising, Communications Minister Yunus Carrim said on Monday. Weighing in on the continuing …


Adult children of alcoholics – part 2
Filed under: alcoholic alcoholism

Adult children of alcoholics have difficulty with intimate relationships. Having never known a “normal” relationship or family roles, they do not know how to have one, and do not trust others. They learned that people are not trustworthy, and had their …


Charles Saatchi's girlfriend Trinny Woodall reveals how cocaine addiction and
Filed under: alcoholic alcoholism

TV presenter Trinny Woodall has revealed her battle with cocaine addiction – and fears her young daughter may follow in her footsteps. The fashion guru and socialite, who is now dating Charles Saatchi, told how the drug and alcohol turned her into a …


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