Alcoholism: A Selection of Horror Reviews…

A Selection of Horror Reviews…
Filed under: Alcoholism

Children Of The Corn (1984) Sarah Connor (i.e. the actress Linda Hamilton) appears here as the female character to get kidnapped and she is accompanied by her male lover who is able to seemingly solve the whole issue really really easily (after all, they’re just kids right?) There’s a distinct sense


One Mutation Turns Normal Mice Into Alcoholics
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a complicated condition caused by many factors, but at least one of these factors is your genes. Researchers have just found a new suspect: the Gabrb1 gene, which seems to play a role in regulating alcohol intake. Researchers have previously identified 39 genes associated with alcoholi


My period came this morning
Filed under: Alcoholism

weeks apart from the last one, when that one had been too close. I got severe cramps at work, turned dizzy, and was very afraid I was going to throw up on the grass outside. It could have been too much dextromethorphan–I bought the stuff to suppress dry cough when I should be relying on lozenges. A


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