Airedale Hosptial Warns of Worrying Rise in Alcohol Abuse – Craven Herald

Airedale Hosptial warns of worrying rise in alcohol abuse – Craven Herald
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Craven Herald

Airedale Hosptial warns of worrying rise in alcohol abuse
Craven Herald
Consultants say more patients than ever before are being admitted to Airedale Hospital with serious liver disease due to alcohol abuse. And many are younger patients in their 20s and 30s who face premature death from the effects of drinking too much.



The Addiction Puzzle, Part 4: Why Alcoholics’ Gender Matters – BU Today
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

BU Today

The Addiction Puzzle, Part 4: Why Alcoholics' Gender Matters
BU Today
Although the NIAAA, part of the National Institutes of Health, estimates that alcohol abuse in the United States is twice as common among men as it is among women (5.5 percent versus 1.9 percent), rates of both alcohol and drug abuse are reported to be 

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PROBLEM: Colleges In Tennessee Have Risen Concern Over Alcohol Usage – Wgnsradio
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

PROBLEM: Colleges In Tennessee Have Risen Concern Over Alcohol Usage
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's (NIAAA) “Update on College Drinking” report (available online at shows disturbing increases in binge/unhealthily drinking, driving while intoxicated, and alcohol-related deaths



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