Drinking and (Critical) Thinking

Definition Alcohol Abuse in the News

Drinking and (Critical) Thinking
Filed under: definition alcohol abuse

Binge drinking is defined as five drinks in a sitting for males and four for females. About 80 percent of college students drink and about half of those students binge drink, according to figures from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and …


At home with the boiling frog
Filed under: definition alcohol abuse

But the most amusing view from the family Ford this week was not how a crack-smoking, impaired-driving, drug-trafficking binge drinker can reassure the whole wired world that he doesn't have a substance abuse problem. The best part is that the only …


FEMA checks received by homeless people
Filed under: definition alcohol abuse

This is the most content I've felt in six years," he said a day after he received his check, as he and two friends sat in the warmth of a cramped motel room on Manitou Avenue drinking and watching TV. "I've got money in the bank." FEMA assistance …


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