Just Do It

Just Do It
Filed under: Alcoholism

Ernest Hemingway drank like a fish, if fish were raging alcoholics. He drank oceans of alcohol; not in your typical “Bro I had like, a thousand jager shots on Friday night” but in a manner best reserved for oil tankers. He was known to guzzle absinthe, whiskey, vodka, gin, tequila and champagne…with


She’s a Hurricane in All Kinds of Weather
Filed under: Alcoholism

Yes, it’s going around again. As it turns out my supervisor has the flu and I’ve got sick people coming through my line all the time. My little cousin is sick here at home as well, and I don’t know why I still call him little, since he’s in high school. But any who, here I am congested as ever and t


MARYLAND: Anti-Gay State Rep Gets Light Sentence For Two DUI Convictions
Filed under: Alcoholism

You may recall that last year, after he drunkenly crashed his boat, injuring six people (including children), Maryland state Rep. Don Dwyer blamed his alcoholism on being upset about the passage of gay marriage. And he went out and got yet another DUI, this time in his car. You’d think that the sent


Commentaries on Romans 1 and the question of homosexuality
Filed under: Alcoholism

Below is a large though not exhaustive collection of notes on some leading commentators. I hope that my notes have stayed true to the intentions of the authors. I apologize in advance if I have mis-attributed an opinion to a given commentator; I would be more than happy to correct any errors I have


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