Alcohol Abuse and Depression: The New Asylums: Jails Swell With Mentally Ill

Alcohol Abuse And Depression in the News

The New Asylums: Jails Swell With Mentally Ill
Filed under: alcohol abuse and depression

Generally, the term is used to describe prisoners who require medication for serious issues ranging from major depressive disorders to schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Also included are … In Los Angeles, for example, the U.S. Department of …


Genetic link between alcoholism and depression
Filed under: alcohol abuse and depression

Depression and alcoholism often go hand in hand, and they often run in families too. It may be that someone who is depressed will 'self medicate' by drinking – for alcohol temporarily increases levels of brain chemicals that control mood. And it's …


Finding Peace and Gratitude in PTSD Recovery
Filed under: alcohol abuse and depression

It is a living list, because, as I am experiencing, recovery from PTSD, depression, alcohol abuse and suicidality is a long and uneven process, most assuredly a permanent process. I begin a new medication today. Waves and troughs of varying durations …


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