Q&A: Will Anyone Hire Me With a Prior DUI/OWI Conviction?

Question by a123e456: Will anyone hire me with a prior DUI/OWI conviction?
I’m in college. I made a mistake. I’m not trying to justify my actions, so I don’t need your shit about “facing the consequences”. However, the master’s degree I was pursuing in student counseling (ironic, I know) is useless to me now, as not education system will hire me with this on my record. I looked into nursing (I’ve already taken a ton of biological science type courses) and to no avail. I can’t even be admitted to the program with this on my record. I understand paying for your actions, I really do, but condemning a 22 year old to blue-collar factory work (it seems, if I’m LUCKY!) for the rest of her life is absolutely absurd! Is every career path I attempt to follow going to end in the same result? Does anyone have any insight as to what other states are like? There is a flaw in this system. Giving someone an empty future with no possible redemption is conducive to them abusing alcohol and drugs and being iresponsible and unproductive.

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