Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal Symptoms

Duration of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

When I decided to quit drinking alcohol, the first issue I looked into is the fear of alcohol withdrawal symptoms that may occur to me if I suddenly stop drinking. The fact that it is fatal to some cases almost dampens my spirit and I almost gave up my plans and preparations to kick the habit. It is likely that most alcoholics who have been abusing alcohol have fear of the sufferings and pains he may experience when he decides to kick the habit for good. This situation can make an individual bring his decision to a halt in fighting alcohol addiction and may continue to abuse the substance that can ruin his physical and mental capabilities and bring havoc to his life in the end.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are signs which occur in the body when an individual suddenly stops drinking alcohol after a long period of time abusing the substance or heavy alcohol consumption. Signs consist of insomnia (inability to sleep at night or during quit drinking process), trembling (hands or body shakes), anxiety (worrying about anything which triggers someone to feel depressed and unhappy) and other symptoms that are related to physical, mental and emotional aspects. The outcome of alcohol in the brain has a sedating effect if continually consume overtime. In the brain of an intense, long-standing abuser, it is repeatedly exposed to the calming effect of alcohol substance and thus the brain regulates its own system to balance the effect of the chemicals. It performs this action by means of making physically invigorating chemical in huge quantities than usual. If an alcoholic suddenly stops consuming alcohol, the brain will react and thus experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Most signs take place when the brain is over stimulated.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may be different from one person to another. In extreme cases, the most hazardous type of symptoms takes place one hour to twenty four hours after the last drink of alcohol. Conditions may include a fatal symptom called delirium tremens also known as DTs. It has a lot of complications so one must pay attention to these kinds of symptoms. Anyone who experiences this kind of sign may ask for medical assistance to have the proper medications and treatments in terms of withdrawal symptoms.

In mild cases, there is no need to seek for medical advice as the symptoms may improve after several days depending on the alcoholic’s physical capabilities and strength. The individual will overcome the alcohol withdrawal symptoms without the help from doctors and specialists who are specialized in this kind of addiction. Mild alcohol withdrawal symptoms may not need support from support groups and may deal with the withdrawal signs by means of his personal judgments.

It is best advice to seek for professional help when dealing with extreme condition as it requires a much more attention than mild cases. Be sure to secure advice from trusted doctors to be sure of the results.

The author shares his experiences and how he managed to overcome alcoholism. He shares ideas and stories how he discovers easy ways to quit drinking alcohol. He used to be an alcoholic and at the same time as a chain smoker but managed to get out of alcohol and nicotine addiction and live a healthier and peaceful life now. Visit the link above to learn more.

Article from articlesbase.com

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