Studying Concussion's Impact on Teens

Signs And Symptoms Of Alcohol Addiction in the News

Studying concussion's impact on teens
Filed under: signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction

Researchers at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health and St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto said the proportion of injuries was much higher than previously thought. It was the first large study of such injuries based on surveys rather than hospital …


ALCOHOL AND DRUGS: Effects And Impact On Families
Filed under: signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction

Since drinking is so common in many cultures and the effects vary so widely from person to person, it's not always easy to figure out where the line is between social drinking and problem drinking. The bottom line is how alcohol affects the individual …


Health Watch/Baraga County Memorial Hospital/Sharon Gilliland, MD/Pediatrician
Filed under: signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction

A common precursor to prescription narcotic addiction is an injury treated with narcotics that were continued too long. 4 weeks is a general rule of thumb for narcotic use associated … Be cautious. Get a lockbox. Supervise the use of these meds …


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