Alcoholism: Why I Am Weighing in on Some High School Controversy

Why I Am Weighing In On Some High School Controversy
Filed under: Alcoholism

This post is a little different than normal. To some of you it may seem irrelevant, but I hope you will read it anyway and consider how it might apply in your own corners of the world. To set the scene, a month or so ago a friend told me to go on our high school website to find the names of the book


Women Who Abuse Alcohol Seek Treatment Sooner Than Men, Study Finds
Filed under: Alcoholism

Women who abuse alcohol tend to seek treatment sooner than their male counterparts, according to a small new study. Published online ahead of print in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, researchers from Stanford University and the University of Florida found that women tend to


fic: Our Love Is Like A Warning Sign
Filed under: Alcoholism

Title: Our Love Is Like A Warning Sign Pairing: J2 Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 45,000 Warnings: mentions of sexual harassment, work harassment, mentions of suicide, bullying, drugs, alcoholism, sex, mention of abortion, therapy and a highly dramatized depiction of a hospital. Disclaimer: I don’t own a


Honesty, Without Compromise….By Rev Logsdon
Filed under: Alcoholism

It is always a common practice for an author to exaggerate any given situation. But to falsely lead is never a good thing. When the reader is to find out the truth he not only feels betrayed but all worthwhile lessons are lost due to deception. One thing you will always get from me is truth and hone


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