Abuse Warning Signs: Signs of Child Abuse

Signs of Child Abuse

Meet a Fresno couple, whos lives were changed forever when their grandson became a victim of shaken baby syndrome. Well hear their story and learn how they a…


How to Report Child Abuse | Brooklyn Bureau
Filed under: abuse warning signs

The majority of sexually abused youth also have no physical findings, as evidence of such an offense is hidden under clothing. The complete list of warning signs for all four types of maltreatment can be found in this pocket guide distributed by the …


Op-ed: Protect our freedom: Free Justin Carter
Filed under: abuse warning signs

When you read about the Adam Lanzas and the James Holmeses of the world, you always hear about the warning signs, the evidence of mental disturbance that went unnoticed until it was tragically too late. Was there anything like that? …. Justin's …


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