It Takes Time

It takes time
Filed under: Alcoholism

We’re not all put together on an assembly line. We don’t come prepackaged with memories from the times we hurt the most or stories from the times we knew what it was to feel . . . we’ve gotta make our own. And we don’t come already covered with the scars we tell the stories to for our Friday-night e


Evil is Doing Nothing Instead of Something
Filed under: Alcoholism

How true is this statement! In the constant negative thoughts, news reports, and gossip mongers is the world really so bad because of evil? Or is it evil because those who disapprove of it, hate it, or profess against it don’t do anything to stop it? How many times did you see a classmate being pick


Teenage Alcoholism
Filed under: Alcoholism

Teenage Alcoholism What is intoxicant? Alcohol is numerous things to many another(prenominal) people: To little kids, it is a curiosity. To teenagers, it is cool. To responsible drinkers, it is a relaxant. To bartenders, it is a job, their lives. To restaurant owners, it is a moneymaker. To probatio


The Grating Gatsby
Filed under: Alcoholism

I straight up hated The Great Gatsby. I’m a fan of the book. I think it’s subtle and clever and about as tight as you can expect a novel to be. I have a feeling a good portion of my hatred for the film comes from the respect I have for the book, which is something I always caution against. Of course


Summer 2013 – The Transformational Wax Job
Filed under: Alcoholism

Sometimes we can have a wish, but we dont know if that wish is good for us or not. Or if that wish is about something that in the long run is for the highest good or not. Example. A relationship ending/ends. We may wish that whatever went wrong, is turned right, so that the heartbreak stops and the


alcoholism psa-Kenya Johnson



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