ADHD Medications Not Tied to Drug, Alcohol Abuse
ADHD medications not tied to drug, alcohol abuse
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
By Genevra Pittman NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Taking Ritalin and other drugs for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) doesn't affect a child's chances of trying or abusing alcohol and drugs later in life, a new review suggests. Researchers pooled data from 15 studies that included a total of 2,600 kids and teenagers with ADHD who were or were not medicated with stimulants and were …
Sex-abuse investigations rip open Catholic Church's secret files
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
For centuries, the church has maintained a second set of books containing sensitive documents such as notes on priests' alcohol abuse, disputes over parish funds and, later, molestation allegations. Preparing for his return to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles after six months' treatment at a center for pedophile priests, Father Michael Wempe sat down to type out a list of concerns. Arrangements …
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