Alcoholism: I Am Not My Fear

I Am Not My Fear
Filed under: Alcoholism

Back in college, I wrote my dad a letter explaining all the pain he has caused me. Even though I never read it to him, (he can’t read English), reading it aloud to people who didn’t know him, was therapeutic. I obviously cried as I talked about his alcoholism, his lack of self awareness, and the hur


Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholism By: hindquarters Doe While the hook to hit the snooze decide at 4:30 a.m. would be difficult to jibe for even the most check early-bird, my father never flinches at answering the bell at what umpteen another(prenominal) consider the halfway of the night. The astonishing fact is non so muc


Alcoholism In The 21st Century
Filed under: Alcoholism

inebriantism In The twenty-first Century Alcoholism in the 21st Century The lexicon describes alcoholism as last exuberant or imperious use of alcoholic drinks. However, this illness is much more than complex. Alcohol abuse is a developing problem in the unite States today, causing more and more dea


What to Do if Your Family Has a History of Addiction
Filed under: Alcoholism

If you grew up in a household with a father, mother or other family member who was an alcoholic or drug addict, you have reason to feel concerned over your own relationship with drugs and alcohol. Just as many personality traits have a tendency to run in the family, so does addiction. While it is no


Sonja B. – AA speakers – 12-Step “Alcoholism Recovery”

AA speaker Sonja B. shares her story and talks about her once dire alcoholic life, and how the program of recovery laid out in the Big Book has changed her i…


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