Alcoholism: Taylor Swift ’22’ Parody Predicts Grim Life for Thirty-Somethings

Taylor Swift ’22’ Parody Predicts Grim Life for Thirty-Somethings
Filed under: Alcoholism

Taylor Swift makes 22 look pretty irresistible in her latest music video. Everyone wears cat ears, makes fun of their exes and eats breakfast at midnight. They are happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time It sounds kinda stressful, but this parody of the song from fuse makes 22 seem like a


Filed under: Alcoholism

10. DYLAN THOMAS (OCTOBER 27, 1914-NOVEMBER 9, 1953) Dylan Thomas is considered to be one of the most influential poets of the twentieth century. He regularly boasted about his drinking habits, saying, “An alcoholic is someone you don’t like, who drinks as much as you do.” As a result of his excessi


Algumas curiosidades sobre o Modelo Minnesota (MM)
Filed under: Alcoholism

Artigo de João Alexandre Rodrigues Durante a minha formação profissional tive o privilégio de estar presente numa das instituições mais reputadas do mundo, sobre o tratamento das dependências de substâncias psicoativas, vulgo drogas, incluindo o álcool, refiro-me obviamente a Hazelden Foundation (ht


Too Late, dead!Blaine/soulmates!Klaine AU, Chapter 1
Filed under: Alcoholism

zavocado: Title: Too Late (2/??) Rating: PG-13, eventual M (language, sexual themes, homophobia, mild mentions of alcoholism, violence, harrassment, severe bullying, near death situations, discussions of actual deaths, references and discussion of murder, physical assault… I think that’s it for now.


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