Dehydration Symptoms: Sore and Clogged Throat for Three Days?

Question by Chris Clark: Sore and clogged throat for three days?
I have a running race tommorow and I want to know what is wrong and will this affect my race. Not really any other symptoms “””””please answer”””””

Best answer:

Answer by imsety
Usually a swollen sore throat can be relieved by gargling with warm water which has a pinch of salt mixed in it. Gargling with a mouthwash because of the alcohol content and vinegar because of its disinfected nature also helps. Honey with lemon juice lozenges syrups and warm herbal liquids also help in reducing the swollen sore throat. It is best to stay arm especially to prevent further infection and other ailments. One of the remedies include the chewing of a gum. This helps to keep the throat hydrated and prevent dryness which causes the throat to become irritated. Apart from gargling, herbal liquids and lozenges, a room humidifier can also be installed. The will help in the reduction of dryness in the room and keep the air moist.

I hope this helps you. And good luck.

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