What Would Be the Best Place in Oregon for a Single Woman on Disability?
Question by Beautiful girl: What would be the best place in Oregon for a single woman on disability?
I have been looking for a place to live in Oregon for sometime now and looking at either Roseburg, McMinnville, Corvallis, or Medford area. Which area would be the best for someone on a social security disability and single? I currently live in Alaska and the winters are a bit much for me. I just want a nice quiet place to live and use a bicycle and free of crime and drugs and alcoholism. If there is such a place these days!
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Answer by Spider
Dont Know
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House Calls You'll lose with pneumonia and booze
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In reviewing their medical history, it was often the case that those who did not do well had a history of alcoholism. These patients would have a long, extended hospitalization and needed a great deal of respiratory assistance. After many weeks of the …
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