Alcohol Abuse: Revealed: The Cost of Alcohol Abuse by Council Area in Scotland

Revealed: The cost of alcohol abuse by council area in Scotland
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

GLASGOW City Council area tops the list, with alcohol-related harm costing £364.79 million in 2010-11 – the equivalent of £615 per person.


£615 a year: Cost of drink harm to each Glaswegian
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Glasgow's booze culture costs £1million a day. Figures today reveal for the first time the astonishing economic impact on the city of alcohol abuse.


The £71m toll of alcohol abuse to our city and why it has to be cut
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol harm cost Dundee more than £71 million last year — and now experts say it’s time for the taxpayer to stop footing the bill for excess.


Alcohol Abuse – Don’t drink and drive (Part 5)

You can also visit us at – Alcohol is as good or bad as its user. While it is ideal if people do not consume alcohol at all, if they do, they should do so responsibly and without causing harm or danger to themselves and to others.


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