Doctors? Is It Annoying or Frustrating When Patients Offer Their Own Internet Researched Diagnosis’s?

Question by Zarathustra….alas: Doctors? Is it annoying or frustrating when patients offer their own internet researched diagnosis’s?
Not just the diagnosis but all types of misunderstood “symptoms”, reasons for them, and all the tests they think should be performed to be able to dismiss their suspicions.

I would imagine it would be. I mean if someone could acquire adequate knowledge by casual perusing of basic symptoms and disorders of what takes an MD 6 to 8 years plus college to learn and master then it seems to be quite an insult to medical professionals in general in my opinion.

Also, is there any type of clinical name for this by medical professionals. It seems the internet would contribute to in Munchhausen and hypochondriac type patients.

Please share any funny or strange situations you have heard in relation to this if you could.

Best answer:

Answer by Andy Fish
I, as a doctor, am so glad someone has finally asked this question! You see, there are a ton of us doctors who spend copious amounts of our day finding questions addressed to us doctors on Yahoo! Answers so that we can make sure these doctor-addressed questions get the correct level of attention they deserve. Any non-doctors who answer our doctor-addressed questions really frustrate me and my colleagues to no end.

Yes, we are frustrated by people who research their own diagnosis’s. HOWEVER, we are equally annoyed by non-doctors answering doctor questions on Yahoo! Answers. I mean, there’s just soooo many of us on here wanting to answer your questions.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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