Divorcing an Alcoholic

Divorcing An Alcoholic

Alcoholism is a tragedy in itself and mixing a marriage along with it is a recipe for disaster. You may not have been aware that you were marrying an alcoholic from the start. Maybe you were high school sweethearts and then came along your 21st birthdays and alcohol took over, or maybe you were just blind to your spouse’s problem, but now it’s obvious and this is not what you signed up for in a marriage.

Alcohol Destroyed My Marriage

You are not alone. Alcohol destroys many marriages, relationships and families. Your spouse will put alcohol above everything else in their life and that is not your fault. Alcohol is a disease, one that consumes the mind, body and spirit and destroys everything in its path, including your relationship and family. If your spouse is an alcoholic, what they really need is to get some serious help. Unfortunately if your spouse is in denial and has no willingness to stop drinking you may be fighting an impossible and never ending battle.

I Want To Help But I Just Need Out

It’s the same cry of thousands of men and women. You want to help your spouse, but you can’t handle the problems and issues that naturally come with it. Alcohol hurts you financially as your spouse spends all your money, your spouse stays out late or doesn’t come home until the next day. They lie and make excuses for not being around or they even blame you, the kids and even the dogs for why they drink. They say if you had their problems you would be drinking to. The worst problem with alcohol is that is lowers your standards in life and even causes infidelity in your marriage. You finding out that your spouse is sleeping around with your friends and maybe even strangers. It’s a risky lifestyle and you want nothing to do with it.

Take Care Of Yourself

As much as you want to help your spouse overcome the problems of alcohol, you need to ensure the safety of yourself and your children. If that means divorce, or at the very least separation, you need to get away from the abusiveness of what may be your relationship. There are 2 things you must do right away. Get legal representation and legal consultation about how to go about divorcing an alcoholic. Secondly, you need to understand the process of divorce to ensure the safety of yourself, your children and your belongings. Divorce can become a battle unless the divorce is mutual. Having a lawyer at your side is never enough to ensure you get what you deserve. The process of divorce is simple but the reality of divorce is devastating and emotional. Protect yourself, know your rights and understand basic divorcing strategies to get what you want out of it.

Here is where to start. – Visit Divorce Help

This website will connect you with professional divorce advice. If you don’t have a lawyer, they will find you a good one. If you already have a lawyer, they can provide you with some great legal advice and strategy that your current lawyer may be overlooking.

Secondly, get some divorce and child custody strategies to getting the results you want out of your divorce. Do not leave things up to chance and do not hope your problems will go away by themselves. I cannot stress this enough, because you could end up on the street with no home, no money, no car and no children. At the very least educate yourself about these hidden divorce secrets and know your options about what you can do when problems arise.

You can find out more information about divorce strategies and tactics by visiting: Divorce Guides

I wish you all the best of luck ~Janice Rubin

Article Source:


drsaritauhr.com Dr. Sarita Uhr is a Stanford-trained psychiatrist and author who is committed to helping teach family members how to help an alcoholic (or how to help an addict). Whether you are the spouse of an alcoholic or parent of an addicted teen, her 10-step revolutionary formula will increase the motivation on the part of the alcoholic to go into recovery. She has also written 2 excellent workbooks for pre-teens and teens aimed at prevention of drug and alcohol use in these age groups. They are a MUST have to supplement the inadequate prevention programs our kids get in school.


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