Signs That You Are an Alcoholic: Why Do People Call You a Hater for Having a Different Opinion?

Question by : Why do people call you a hater for having a different opinion?
It is this huge thing now that if you say ANYTHING that even opposes homosexualtity in the smallest way, seven people jump up and shout “HATER!!” while pointing and insulting. But here is the part I don’t understand.
Why do none of them ask if you actually hate the PERSON? Because I hate NO ONE. However, I do believe that being a homosexual is a sin. I hope that they get delivered but I don’t hate them! Who are you to say I do? Especially when you know nothing about the gays that I may know or even be related to. That is what bothers me.
Kind of like this

If I walk out unto a street and say, “I think that drinking is wrong” (just an example so chill people)
no one would start freaking out and saying that I hate drinkers. I never said “Kill all the alcoholics!” or “they should all die!” or “I hate them all!” all I said was that a certain practice was wrong.
So you take the same situation but instead I say “I think that homosexuality is wrong” and I get an entire riot with picket signs and all. Why is this? yes you have the freedom to be gay, but why do you feel that you must shove it into the face of anyone who feels it is wrong?
Some people think porn, smoking, types of television shows, etc are wrong and a bad PRACTICE, but since when did we ever say that we HATE the people who participate in such acts? Why will they never look deeper into the situation? They say that WE accuse, yet they have openly declared that we hate someone, which is entirely far from what is the truth.

Best answer:

Answer by savara
im not sure but i see it alot on youtube and other various sites

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