Effect Alcoholism: Endorphin Study May Help Refine Alcohol Treatment

Effect Alcoholism in the News

Endorphin study may help refine alcohol treatment
Filed under: effect alcoholism

Studies of alcohol's effect on animal brains have shown for decades that endorphins – the body's tiny, natural proteins that behave like opiates – play a key role in the appeal of alcohol and why it can be addictive. But the UC study is the first to …


Support for families hit by alcohol
Filed under: effect alcoholism

THE harsh affects of alcoholism are not only felt by those suffering with the condition but also by the people supporting the individual. Elaine Delaney knows only too well how alcohol abuse can affect people and their families. …


Potomac author revisits old stomping grounds for inspirational new novel
Filed under: effect alcoholism

“He was just moving about aimlessly when she became in effect his surrogate mother, lover, shrink, therapist, etc.” In researching how to best portray Conroy's rocky, but inspiring path to sobriety, Gillen says he sat in on a number of Alcoholics …


How alcohol affects the body long term

Animation to show how alcohol affects the body long term. Thecontent is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional. For more information visit our health information site www.bupa.co.uk


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