Why Do So Many People Get Depressed Around Christmastime?

Depression And Alcohol Abuse in the News

Why do so many people get depressed around Christmastime?
Filed under: depression and alcohol abuse

That is when problems arise. For openers, once an expectation to be happy is created, then those who are not that happy feel there is something wrong with them. Enter depression, of varying intensities, sometimes with tragic, irreversible consequences. …


Increased Alcoholism Rates Seen After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Filed under: depression and alcohol abuse

Compared with controls, bariatric surgery patients had significantly higher rates of psychosis, depression, attempted suicide and alcohol-related diagnoses, such as acute alcohol intoxication and alcohol dependence before surgery. …


Weight Loss Surgery News October 9, 2009 Part 1

www.weightlosssurgerychannel.com Learn about new research indicating that obesity, depression and alcohol abuse can be viciously interrelated, and find out how obesity can affect cancer risk.


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