Intervention for Alcoholics: Shia LaBeouf, the Raging Drunk, Needs an Intervention

Intervention For Alcoholics in the News

Intervention For Alcoholics: Shia LaBeouf, the Raging Drunk, Needs an Intervention
They are called alcoholics and their behavior towards alcohol is what defines them as such. There's a difference between the occasional drinker who gets ahead of themselves and finds themselves having too much and truly regrets it.
Read more on The Morton Report

Intervention For Alcoholics: Lindsay Lohan's Path to Playboy
That year, Lohan started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and, in early 2007, checked herself into rehab for 30 days. In May 2007, just two weeks after Georgia Rule was savaged by critics and audiences alike, Lohan was convicted of misdemeanor
Read more on Daily Beast

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